Tales of the Whispering Grove
adjusted: Hey, I need a break, I have a challenge for you. I was discussing dog training with someone, and it had me thinking that I would love to see you write, from the point of view of the dog, a scenario. The owner has found a place and time to give this dog absolute freedom, it is a place where the dog cannot cause harm to itself or others, regardless of the decisions it makes, feel the wind in your fur, and your legs pumping, and, oh! the owner also has legs, and has become a dog too, so you can both run together in this magical place, FREE! And fun! Imagine what this would be like, imagine the thoughts of the dog, which can be as intelligent as you like. This is a magical moment, anything can be true, imagine the dog thinking of the owner that now runs with him. The last thing the owner said as a human was, NOW BE FREE! Go! freedom: I do and I will! Thank you! for a moment in time, a break, we haven't done a story yet, I think. I was discussing dog training, and...